Venue Info
De Code Adventures (Mississauga)
De Code Adventures is located in the North-West corner of Mississauga just south of the 401 and Mississauga Rd./Erin Mills Parkway exit. For directions please see the following Google Maps page.
Public Transit
Go Transit from Union Station (link is to Milton GO Schedule)
You can take the GO Train from Union Station to Meadowvale GO and then a bus (or walk if it's nice out) to De Code Adventures (see Google Maps link above) OR you can take the 21B Milton Bus from the Union Bus Terminal and request a stop at Argentia Rd. and Kitimat Rd., then it's a short walk to De Code from there.
Parking at De Code Adventures is free. Parking is available in front of De Code in a small parking lot along Kitimat Road, as well as around the side and at the back. There is a rear walk-in entrance to De Code from the parking lot area directly into the gaming hall as well.
Where we play
Gaming Hall
The main gaming hall and board game cafe is located in the rear of the building and is where we host our large events.
Dungeons and Dragons Room
The games that are played via Meetup are played in the Dungeons and Dragons room, which is located in the center of the facility in the main hallway right across from the washrooms. Within the room are two tables for play, a table for water with cups, menus and a button for requesting service as well as a set of shelves with resource books, extra dice, maps, pawns, etc. please treat with respect and return where you found them when you're done.
Sitting Fee
De Code Adventures has a sitting fee of $4, but for special events that price can change. Everyone is expected to pay the sitting fee when they first arrive and it can be done at the front desk or in the gaming hall (wrist bands or stickers will be used to track those who have paid).
Food and Drink
De Code has a policy against outside food and drinks, so please only bring your own if you have special dietary restrictions (for questions contact them here, at the bottom of the page). The Cafe has a great assortment of appetizers, small meals and drinks, have a look at their menu here. To request service while you visit just press one of the paging buttons in any room or the gaming hall.
Restaurants Nearby
If you feel like taking a walk or a short drive, here are a few nearby restaurants for all interests:
Game Schooled (Scarborough)
Game Schooled is located in Scarborough (Toronto), south of the 401 via Kingston Road, for directions please see the following Google Maps page.
There is free parking available in the strip mall where the store is located.
Where we play
Walk in to the board game store and on event day you will find multiple tables setup for play. There will be an administrative table setup for check-in if you need help finding your table.
Koros Games (Orangeville)
Koros Games is located in Orangeville just west of Highway 10 at 113 Broadway (north side), for directions please see the following Google Maps page.
Paid parking is available on Broadway itself, but there is a free public parking lot just south (112 Broadway - access off Armstrong Street ), you can use the following Google Maps page for directions. For more information about parking in the town of Orangeville, please see the following page.
Where we play
Our gaming tables will be setup on the top floor of the store.
Koros allows players to bring their own food, we ask however that you make sure you keep the tables and your area clean during the games and after you leave. Koros can have food delivered to their location too, you can order yourself or ask staff to order pizza.
Toronto Congress Centre (Anime North)
The Toronto Congress Centre is located in Etobicoke at the corner of Dixon Road and Martin Grove Road near the Airport. For directions please see the following Google Maps page.
Parking at the Toronto Congress Centre is free, but we suggest carpooling if possible as it's extremely busy for Anime North, be sure to give yourself time to get there and park, the entrance off of Martin Grove just north of Dixon is best.
Where we play
Our gaming tables will be setup in the South Building of the Toronto Congress Centre in the gaming hall.
There are food trucks and some nearby restaurants but we suggest bringing your own water bottle, snacks and food, the lineups will be long.
Bridlewood Mall (Scarborough)
Bridlewood Mall is located in Scarborough just east of the 404 and Finch Avenue exit, north of the 401. For directions please see the following Google Maps page.
Parking at the mall is free.
Where we play
Our gaming tables will be setup on the 1st floor of the mall in between the two escalators.
The mall has a food court with many options, find more information on their website.